3. Get Tasking

This page describes the format for getting new tasking

Message Request

The contents of the JSON message from the agent to Mythic when requesting tasking is as follows:

Base64( CallbackUUID + JSON(
	"action": "get_tasking",
	"tasking_size": 1, //indicate the maximum number of tasks you want back
	//if passing on messages for other agents, include the following
	"delegates": [
		{"message": agentMessage, "c2_profile": "ProfileName", "uuid": "uuid here"},
		{"message": agentMessage, "c2_profile": "ProfileName", "uuid": "uuid here"}
		"get_delegate_tasks": true, //optional, defaults to true

There are two things to note here:

  • tasking_size - This parameter defaults to one, but allows an agent to request how many tasks it wants to get back at once. If the agent specifies -1 as this value, then Mythic will return all of the tasking it has for that callback.

  • delegates - This parameter is not required, but allows for an agent to forward on messages from other callbacks. This is the peer-to-peer scenario where inner messages are passed externally by the egress point. Each of these agentMessage is a self-contained "Agent Message" and the c2_profile indicates the name of the C2 Profile used to connect the two agents. This allows Mythic to properly decode/translate the messages even for nested messages.

  • get_delegate_tasks - This is an optional parameter. If you don't include it, it's assumed to be True. This indicates whether or not this get_tasking request should also check for tasks that belong to callbacks that are reachable from this callback. So, if agentA has a route to agentB, agentB has a task in the submitted state, and agentA issues a get_tasking, agentA can decide if it wants just its own tasking or if it also wants to pick up agentB's task as well.

    • Why does this matter? This is helpful if your linked agents issue their own periodic get_tasking messages rather than simply waiting for tasking to come to them. This way the parent callback (agentA in this case) doesn't accidentally consume and toss aside the task for agentB; instead, agentB's own periodic get_tasking message has to make its way up to Mythic for the task to be fetched.

Message Response

Mythic responds with the following message format for get_tasking requests:

Base64( CallbackUUID + JSON(
	"action": "get_tasking",
	"tasks": [
			"command": "command name",
			"parameters": "command param string",
			"timestamp": 1578706611.324671, //timestamp provided to help with ordering
			"id": "task uuid",
	//if we were passing messages on behalf of other agents
	"delegates": [
		{"message": agentMessage, "c2_profile": "ProfileName", "uuid": "uuid here"},
		{"message": agentMessage, "c2_profile": "ProfileName", "uuid": "uuid here"}

There are a few things to note here:

  • tasks - This parameter is always a list, but contains between 0 and tasking_size number of entries.

  • parameters - this encapsulates the parameters for the task. If a command has parameters like: {"remote_path": "/users/desktop/test.png", "file_id": "uuid_here"}, then the params field will have that JSON blob as a STRING value (i.e. the command is responsible to parse that out).

  • delegates - This parameter contains any responses for the messages that came through in the first message.

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