Offline Installation

How to install Mythic and agents in an offline environment


  1. Install Mythic following the normal installation

  2. With Mythic running, install any other agents or profiles you might need/want.

sudo ./mythic-cli install github

3. Export your docker containers. Make sure you also save the tags.

docker save $(docker images -q) -o mythic_images.tar
docker images | sed '1d' | awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3}' > mythic_tags

4. Download donut from pypi. (this is apollo specific, so there might be others depending on your agent)

mkdir Payload_Types/apollo/depends
pip3 download donut -d Payload_Types/apollo/depends

Download Apollo dependencies (apollo specifically installs these dynamically within the Docker container at build-time, so pre-fetch these)

 wget -O Payload_Types/apollo/depends/fody.2.0.0.nupkg
 wget -O Payload_Types/apollo/depends/costura.fody.1.6.2.nupkg

5. Tar Mythic directoy.

tar cfz mythic.tar.gz /Mythic

6. Push mythic_images.tar, mythic_tags, and mythic.tar.gz to your offline box.

7. Import docker images and restore tags.

docker load -i mythic_images.tar
while read REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE_ID; do echo "== Tagging $REPOSITORY $TAG $IMAGE_ID =="; docker tag "$IMAGE_ID" "$REPOSITORY:$TAG"; done < mythic_tags

8. Extract Mythic directory.

tar xfz mythic.tar.gz
cd mythic
from itsafeaturemythic/csharp_payload:0.1.1

COPY ["depends/donut-0.2.2.tar.gz", "donut-0.2.2.tar.gz"]
COPY ["depends/costura.fody.1.6.2.nupkg", "costura.fody.1.6.2.nupkg"]
COPY ["depends/fody.2.0.0.nupkg", "fody.2.0.0.nupkg"]

RUN /usr/local/bin/python3.8 -m pip install /donut-0.2.2.tar.gz
RUN mkdir /mythic_nuget
RUN nuget sources add -name mythic_nuget -source /mythic_nuget
RUN nuget sources disable -name
RUN nuget add /fody.2.0.0.nupkg -source /mythic_nuget
RUN nuget add /costura.fody.1.6.2.nupkg -source /mythic_nuget

10. Start Mythic

sudo ./mythic-cli start

Last updated

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