Sub-tasking / Task Callbacks

What is sub-tasking?

Sub-tasking is the ability for a task to spin off sub-tasks and wait for them to finish before continuing execution of its own. Tasks will wait for all of their sub-tasks to complete before potentially entering a "submitted" state themselves for an agent to pick them up.

When a task has outstanding subtasks, its status will change to "delegating" while it waits for them all to finish.

What are task callbacks?

Task callbacks are functions that get executed when a task enters a "completed=True" state (i.e. when it completes successfully or encounters an error). These can be registered on a task itself

async def create_go_tasking(self, taskData: MythicCommandBase.PTTaskMessageAllData) -> MythicCommandBase.PTTaskCreateTaskingMessageResponse:
    response = MythicCommandBase.PTTaskCreateTaskingMessageResponse(
    return response

or on a subtask:

await SendMythicRPCTaskCreateSubtask(

When Mythic calls these callbacks, it looks for the defined name in the command's completed_functions attribute like:

completion_functions = {"formulate_output": formulate_output}

Where the key is the same name of the function specified and the value is the actual reference to the function to call.

Where are they?

Like everything else associated with a Command, all of this information is stored in your command's Python/GoLang file. Sub-tasks are created via RPC functions from within your command's create_tasking function (or any other function - i.e. you can issue more sub-tasks from within task callback functions). Let's look at what a callback function looks like:

async def formulate_output( task: PTTaskCompletionFunctionMessage) -> PTTaskCompletionFunctionMessageResponse:
    # Check if the task is complete
    response = PTTaskCompletionFunctionMessageResponse(Success=True, TaskStatus="success")
    if task.TaskData.Task.Completed is True:
        # Check if the task was a success
        if not task.TaskData.Task.Status.includes("error"):
            # Get the interval and jitter from the task information
            interval = task.TaskData.args.get_arg("interval")
            jitter = task.TaskData.args.get_arg("interval")

            # Format the output message
            output = "Set sleep interval to {} seconds with a jitter of {}%.".format(
                interval / 1000, jitter
            output = "Failed to execute sleep"

        # Send the output to Mythic
        resp = await SendMythicRPCResponseCreate(MythicRPCResponseCreateMessage(

        if not resp.Success:
            raise Exception("Failed to execute MythicRPC function.")
    return response

Task Callbacks

This is useful for when you want to do some post-task processing, actions, analysis, etc when a task completes or errors out. In the above example, the formulate_output function simply just displays a message to the user that the task is done. In more interesting examples though, you could use the get_responses RPC call like we saw above to get information about all of the output subtasks have sent to the user for follow-on processing.

Last updated