Configuration Checks

Check Agent's Configuration Before Generation

What is this?

Configuration checks are optional checks implemented by a C2 profile to alert the operator if they're generating an agent with a C2 configuration that doesn't match the current C2 docker services.

When does this happen?

This check occurs every time an agent is generated, and this output is added to the payload's build_message. Thus, an operator sees it when generating a payload, but it's always viewable again from the created payloads page.

What does it look like?

The function sits in the same place as all of the other C2 RPC functionality within a C2 Profile and gets passed a dictionary with information about all of the parameters the user supplied for their agent. This function executes from within the file though, so if you want to access your C2 Profile's configuration, you'll need to access it via ../c2_code/config.json.

Here's the example from the http profile that tries to be very verbose in checking for issues:

# The config_check function is called when a payload is created as a check to see if the parameters supplied
#   to the agent match up with what's in the C2 profile
# The input for "request" is a dictionary of:
# {
#   "action": "config_check",
#   "parameters": {
#       "param_name": "param_value",
#       "param_name2: "param_value2",
#   }
# }
# This function should return one of two things:
#   For success: {"status": "success", "message": "your success message here" }
#   For error: {"status": "error", "error": "your error message here" }
async def config_check(request):
        with open("../c2_code/config.json") as f:
            config = json.load(f)
            possible_ports = []
            for inst in config["instances"]:
                possible_ports.append({"port": inst["port"], "use_ssl": inst["use_ssl"]})
                if str(inst["port"]) == str(request["parameters"]["callback_port"]):
                    if "https" in request["parameters"]["callback_host"] and not inst["use_ssl"]:
                        message = f"C2 Profile container is configured to NOT use SSL on port {inst['port']}, but the callback host for the agent is using https, {request['parameters']['callback_host']}.\n\n"
                        message += "This means there should be the following connectivity for success:\n"
                        message += f"Agent via SSL to {request['parameters']['callback_host']} on port {inst['port']}, then redirection to C2 Profile container WITHOUT SSL on port {inst['port']}"
                        return {"status": "error", "error": message}
                    elif "https" not in request["parameters"]["callback_host"] and inst["use_ssl"]:
                        message = f"C2 Profile container is configured to use SSL on port {inst['port']}, but the callback host for the agent is using http, {request['parameters']['callback_host']}.\n\n"
                        message += "This means there should be the following connectivity for success:\n"
                        message += f"Agent via NO SSL to {request['parameters']['callback_host']} on port {inst['port']}, then redirection to C2 Profile container WITH SSL on port {inst['port']}"
                        return {"status": "error", "error": message}
                        message = f"C2 Profile container and agent configuration match port, {inst['port']}, and SSL expectations.\n"
                        return {"status": "success", "message": message}
            message = f"Failed to find port, {request['parameters']['callback_port']}, in C2 Profile configuration\n"
            message += f"This could indicate the use of a redirector, or a mismatch in expected connectivity.\n\n"
            message += f"This means there should be the following connectivity for success:\n"
            if "https" in request["parameters"]["callback_host"]:
                message += f"Agent via HTTPS on port {request['parameters']['callback_port']} to {request['parameters']['callback_host']} (should be a redirector).\n"
                message += f"Agent via HTTP on port {request['parameters']['callback_port']} to {request['parameters']['callback_host']} (should be a redirector).\n"
            if len(possible_ports) == 1:
                message += f"Redirector then forwards request to C2 Profile container on port, {possible_ports[0]['port']}, {'WITH SSL' if possible_ports[0]['use_ssl'] else 'WITHOUT SSL'}"
                message += f"Redirector then forwards request to C2 Profile container on one of the following ports: {json.dumps(possible_ports)}\n"
            if "https" in request["parameters"]["callback_host"]:
                message += f"\nAlternatively, this might mean that you want to do SSL but are not using SSL within your C2 Profile container.\n"
                message += f"To add SSL to your C2 profile:\n"
                message += f"\t1. Go to the C2 Profile page\n"
                message += f"\t2. Click configure for the http profile\n"
                message += f"\t3. Change 'use_ssl' to 'true' and make sure the port is {request['parameters']['callback_port']}\n"
                message += f"\t4. Click to stop the profile and then start it again\n"
            return {"status": "success", "message": message}
    except Exception as e:
        return {"status": "error", "error": str(e)}

Last updated