Scripting Credentials

What does this hook into?

Scripting tasking involves the following RESTful endpoints on an instance of Mythic. This means you need to create a new Mythic instance (i.e. mythic = Mythic(username="blah" ... ) and then call these functions like mythic.get_all_tasks():

    async def get_all_credentials(self) -> MythicResponse:
        Get all of the credentials associated with the user's current operation

    async def create_credential(self, credential: Credential) -> MythicResponse:
        Create a new credential associated with the user's current operation

    async def update_credential(self, credential: Credential) -> MythicResponse:
        Create a new credential associated with the user's current operation

How to create new credentials

Credential's type must be one of the following:

  • plaintext

  • certificate

  • hash

  • key

  • ticket

  • cookie

  • hex

To create a credential, you must supply a type, a realm (this is your domain if you're doing Windows), a credential (this is the actual credential value), and an account (who does this credential belong to). You can also optionally add a comment:

cred = mythic_rest.Credential(type="plaintext", 
                              credential="my cred", 
                              realm="my domain", 
                              comment="yo new credz")
    resp = await mythic.create_credential(cred)
    await mythic_rest.json_print(resp)

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