
Where is it?

Screencaptures for an entire operation can be accessed via the "Operational Views" -> "Screencapture" page from the top navigational bar.

How to use it?

Screencaptures are listed in tasking order:

To view a callback, simply select the eye icon to view the image in a new overlay. To download the image, click the download icon. If a screencapture is still downloading, you'll see the progress so far under the Completed column. Since these are images, you can view them as they come in even if they're not finished being sent to the server yet (you'll just see a portion of the image).

Screencaptures can also be viewed within the main active callbacks window as well. Select the dropdown for a callback and select "screencaptures"

The same interaction method applies here as well - click the row and the screencapture will be displayed in-line.

When you have multiple tabs relating to a single callback open (such as the main interaction, keylog, and screencaptures), when you select one of them, they will all 'highlight' to indicate that they all belong to the same callback.

Last updated