Next Release
What's planned for the next release (2.1)?
Stricter C2 profile parameter checks when building payloads
Move KillDate out of C2 profile parameter into Payload BuildParameter
Documentation on how to support 3rd party agents into Mythic
Agent Installer script to pull in 3rd party agents via GitHub into your Mythic instance
Documentation on what format the GitHub repo/release must follow
Should include: Payload_Type code, C2 Profile code (if any), Documentation Docker container code for all pieces
Display badge count for unresolved warning events in current operation
Allow users to send messages as "warning" messages that need resolution
Restrict downloading of payloads to the same "allow block" as the /login, /auth, /register endpoints
How can I submit something to be added in the next release?
Open up a feature request on the Mythic github page (
Ask for it in the #mythic slack channel in the public Bloodhound slack
Last updated