Scripting Payload Types

What does this hook into?

Scripting tasking involves the following RESTful endpoints on an instance of Mythic. This means you need to create a new Mythic instance (i.e. mythic = Mythic(username="blah" ... ) and then call these functions like mythic.download_file():

async def get_payloadtypes(self) -> MythicResponse:
        Get all payload types registered with Apfell

    async def get_payloadtype(
        self, payload_type: Union[PayloadType, Dict]
    ) -> MythicResponse:
        Get information about a specific payload type
        :param payload_type:
            if using PayloadType class, the following must be set:

    async def get_payloadtype_commands(
        self, payload_type: Union[PayloadType, Dict]
    ) -> MythicResponse:
        Get the commands registered for a specific payload type
        :param payload_type:
            if using PayloadType class, the following must be set:

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